安卓 电量 消耗 监控_您的所有电器消耗多少电量?
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安卓 电量 消耗 监控

安卓 电量 消耗 监控

You know how much electricity you use overall each month, because you pay the bill. But, you can also figure out how much electricity each appliance uses individually and how much it contributes to your total usage.

您知道每月总共要用多少电,因为您要支付账单。 但是,您还可以算出每个设备分别消耗多少电量,以及它对您的总用量有多大贡献。

Unless you have some fancy equipment monitoring every electrical connection in your house, you likely have no idea what the energy usage is of individual appliances. Your monthly bill shows you your overall usage, but that’s it. However, you can get a general idea of how much electricity your appliances use by looking at overall averages, calculating your usage, and, in some cases, using a nifty electricity monitor called the  if you want to do your own investigating.

除非您有一些高档设备来监视房屋中的每个电气连接,否则您可能不知道单个设备的能源消耗是多少。 您的每月账单显示您的总体使用情况,仅此而已。 但是,您可以通过查看整体平均水平,计算您的用电量,以及在某些情况下,如果要进行自己的调查,使用一个叫做的漂亮的电量监测器,来大致了解电器消耗的电量。

首先检查它是电气设备还是燃气设备 (Check Whether It’s an Electric or Gas Appliance First)

Before we get started, it’s important to first check whether your appliances run off of electricity or natural gas (in some houses there’s also propane or oil for heating, but for the vast majority of residences, you’ll have electric and gas connections).


Appliances like your water heater, oven, stove, furnace, and clothes dryer could very well be powered by natural gas instead of electricity. One easy way to find out is by looking behind the appliance (or sometimes just right in front, like on your water heater) at the connections.

诸如热水器,烤箱,火炉,熔炉和干衣机之类的设备很可能由天然气而不是电力驱动。 一种简单的查找方法是在连接的后面(或有时恰好在前面,例如在热水器上)向后看。

If it’s clearly plugged into an electrical outlet, then you know it runs off electricity. However, if you see a flexible, corrugated hose of sorts (it will most likely be bright yellow) connected to a shut-off valve (like the one pictured above), then the appliance runs off gas.

如果将其清楚地插入电源插座,则表明它用尽了电力。 但是,如果您看到与截止阀(如上图所示)相连的各种挠性波纹软管(很可能是亮黄色),则设备将排空汽油。

If you have appliances that run off of natural gas, then you’re actually in luck money-wise, as the cost of natural gas is around . However, if most of your appliances use electricity, it’s important to know just how much they’re using, since your electric bill can be one of your biggest utility expenses every month.

如果您有使用天然气的设备,那么您实际上是靠运气赚钱的,因为天然气的 。 但是,如果您的大多数电器都用电,那么重要的是要知道它们的用电量,因为电费可能是每个月最大的公用事业费用之一。

用电多少钱? (How Much Does Electricity Cost?)

The cost of electricity varies depending on where you live and who your electric company is. You can usually find out the rate you pay for electricity by looking at your electric bill, going to the electric company’s website, or calling them up and asking.

电力成本根据您的住所和电力公司的不同而有所不同。 通常,您可以通过查看电费单,访问电力公司的网站或致电询问,来找出所支付的电费。

How much you pay for electricity is measured by the kilowatt-hour (kWh), and the average cost is anywhere between $0.09-$0.15 per kWh, sometimes more and sometimes less depending on your location. But what’s a kilowatt-hour exactly?

您支付的电费以千瓦时(kWh)为单位,平均成本在每千瓦时$ 0.09- $ 0.15之间,根据您所在的位置,有时更多,有时更少。 但是,什么是千瓦时呢?

A kilowatt-hour is measured by taking the power consumption of an appliance (in kilowatts) and multiplying it by how long it’s been operating (in hours). So for example, a space heater that runs on 1,000 watts of power (or 1 kilowatt) and is on for two hours has used 2 kilowatt-hours of electricity. If it was only on for a half-hour, then it used up 0.5 kilowatt-hours.

千瓦时是通过将设备的功耗(千瓦)乘以设备运行了多长时间(小时)来衡量的。 例如,一个运行1000瓦(或1千瓦)功率并运行两个小时的太空加热器使用了2千瓦时的电能。 如果只打开半个小时,那么它就会用掉0.5千瓦时。

我的电器消耗多少电量? (How Much Electricity Do My Appliances Use?)

It’s the million-dollar question! Or at least it’s the $114.56 question if you looked at my most recent electric bill. Your large home appliances are some of the most energy-hogging devices in your house, so it’s always a good idea to know how much they’re costing you.

这是一百万美元的问题! 或者,如果您查看我最近的电费单,至少是$ 114.56的问题。 您的大型家用电器是家里最耗能的设备,因此,知道它们要花多少钱始终是个好主意。

Keep in mind that the cost largely depends on the age of the appliance (newer usually means more energy efficient), how much you use it, and how high or low your electricity rate is in your area—the cost of running your refrigerator may be much higher or lower than someone else, for instance.


With that said, below is a quick breakdown of some common household appliances and the average cost of operation per month, based on a $0.11/kWh rate and typical usage around the house.

话虽如此,以下是一些常见家用电器的快速细分以及每月的平均运行成本,基于0.11 / kWh的费率和房屋周围的典型使用情况。

Editor Note: Take a look at these usage frequencies and let me know if any of them seem low or high.


  • Refrigerator: $5.61 per month (depending on age of appliance)

    冰箱:每月$ 5.61(视使用年龄而定)
  • Microwave: $0.35 per month (based on 5 min. per day)

    微波炉:每月$ 0.35(每天5分钟)
  • Oven & Stove: $5.85 per month (based on one hour of mixed use per day)

    烤箱和炉子:每月$ 5.85(基于每天一小时的混合使用时间)
  • Dishwasher: $5.24 per month (based on one load per day)

    洗碗机:每月$ 5.24(基于每天一负载)
  • Clothes Washer & Dryer: $18.30 per month (based on one load per day)

    洗衣机和干衣机:每月$ 18.30(基于每天一负荷)
  • Central Heating/Cooling: $49.50 per month (based on 150 hours of runtime per month)

    中央供暖/制冷:每月$ 49.50(基于每月150小时的运行时间)
  • Water Heater: $48 per month


You can check out the that we referenced, which includes a lot more items like TVs, computers, and more. Again, some of your appliances may run off of natural gas instead of electricity, so you can expect to pay less on average compared to electric costs.

您可以查看我们所引用的 ,其中包括电视,计算机等更多项目。 同样,您的某些设备可能会消耗天然气而不是电力,因此与电费相比,您平均可以少付一些费用。


安卓 电量 消耗 监控


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